Sunday Mornings

Our weekly worship service starts at 10am on Sundays, but you are welcome to come and enjoy a cup of coffee and conversation before hand. A typical service usually starts with music led by our band. You'll hear guitars, keys, bass, drums, etc. Song lyrics are displayed onto screens so you can sing along and/or engage with worship, however you feel comfortable. Most of our songs are contemporary, but we also enjoy the occasional classic song set to a contemporary arrangement. We are always seeking fresh ways to share our love for the Lord.

Our Sunday morning service also includes time in God's word. One of our pastor's guides us through a time of teaching for about 30-40 minutes. We are devoted to "correctly handling the word of truth" (2 Tim 2:15) and place high priority on messages that are biblically accurate and relevant to our lives. You can listen to our archive of messages at any time.


Want to make plans to worship with us?

We can't wait to have you join us on a Sunday morning!

Have questions? We'd love to start the conversation. Please send an e-mail to