At Journey we have a few different ways you can contribute financially to the ministry.

In Person: Leave your contribution in one of our giving boxes

located in the lobby near the main entrance.

• Online: Through ChurchCenter. You can give using debit, credit, or bank transfer.




  • Yes. Journey Church is a 501(c)3, and donations to our General Fund are tax-deductible. If you give by check or online, you will receive a year-end giving statement itemizing all of your tax-deductible contributions to Journey Church throughout the year. 

  • No. According to the IRS publication 3833, “Donors cannot earmark contributions to a charitable organization for a particular individual or family.”  You can, however, give to our benevolence fund. Donations to the benevolence fund are used to help those in need and are tax deductible. The Elder Team determines needs and uses money donated to this fund to help those individuals and families. Elder Team members and their immediate families are "disqualified" by the IRS from Benevolence Fund assistance.

  • No. Any donation earmarked to a specific individual is not tax deductible (see above). You are free to give a gift to an individual, but the IRS does not allow you to claim it as charitable giving.

  • No. By IRS definition, charitable contributions represent gifts given without reciprocity. Buying merchandise or attending an event puts you into the "got-something-in-return" category.